An exposure list worksheet can help gather more information about the individual's fears and coping strategies. Exposure list worksheets can also be useful during exposure planning. These worksheets can be used to help individuals identify and list their specific feared outcomes in anxiety-provoking situations, and typically ask the individual to rate the intensity of their distress in the identified situations (often using SUDS). Some worksheets include guidance to identify the behaviors an individual does before/during/after an anxiety-provoking situation to cope with the anxiety or prevent their feared outcomes from occurring, and ask the individual to rate how frequently they use the identified safety behaviors.
Includes identifying the behaviors before/during/after an anxiety-provoking situation used to cope with the anxiety or prevent their feared outcomes from occurring. Worksheet available for download in the following languages:
Lista de Exposición
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Lista de Exposição Translation by Karyne Machry, Pós-graduação Lato Sensu |